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M3- Case Study Report

M3- Case Study Report

Q Instructions Case study reports provide valuable opportunities to reinforce class learning. It is strongly recommended that all team members read the case, discuss it as a group, and reflect upon the business implications of the issues raised in the readings. You should work with your group to create a Case Study Report which should include the following: • One major takeaway from the broad questions asked on the M3: Case Study Overview (Link will open in new tab.) page (what you learned from studying the case) • Show how you used two concepts, one from each reading assigned for this case, to analyze the case. You can locate the articles on the M3: Readings page. • Sharp and thoughtful responses to all of the following questions: o What was Brightcove’s vision in 2006? o How did Brightcove plan to enable direct interactions between various customer groups? o CEO Jeremy Allaire compared the initial vision to a combination of Comcast and eBay. Which parts of Brightcove’s four-sided platform look more like Comcast and which ones look more like eBay? o Why does Brightcove wish to function mostly as a MSP with respect to the destination site and syndication, but mostly as a reseller with respect to advertising? o What are the strengths and weaknesses of Brightcove's vision? o Brightcove went after publishers first, rather than after consumers first (like YouTube). Was that a strategic mistake? Explain. o What was the fundamental difference between Brightcove’s and YouTube’s respective strategies? o More generally, when building a MSP, how should one decide which side to go after first? o Brightcove’s initial MSP vision did not materialize. What do you think turned out to be the main obstacles? • Member names clearly listed on the first page.

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One major takeaway from the broad questions asked on the M3: Case Study Overview (Link will open in new tab.) page (what you learned from studying the case)